The Mirigama to Kurunegala stretch of the Central Expressway is due to be vested with the public at an event to be graced by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa on Sunday, November 28. The 39.7 km stretch of road will feature four lanes and five interchanges at Mirigama, Nakalagamuwa, Dambokka, Kurunegala and Yaggapitiya.
The Mirigama to Kurunegala stretch of the Central Expressway will enable the public to travel approximately 39.7 kilometres between the two points within 25 minutes. The Expressway which will link Colombo to Kandy will be a boon for those who travel from Colombo to Kandy, Kurunegala and Dambulla.