Working towards combating malnutrition among children, Sri Lanka’s most customer-centric bank
HNB PLC, launched a much- needed nutrition drive as an extension of its flagship ‘Oba Venuwen
Api’ initiative.
The timely intervention aims to support expectant mothers from disadvantaged communities, given
the challenges faced in procuring essentials due to the ongoing economic crisis. The Bank invited
1,000 expectant mother to 56 selected customer centers across the island to ceremonially launch
the initiative.
“The Oba Venuwen Api Fund was established to help Sri Lankans facing many difficulties brought on
by the pandemic. Over the year, the fund and its goals have evolved to work with different segments
of the public and offer support where possible. As such, we believe it is crucial to work with
pregnant mothers at this time, especially given that Sri Lanka recorded the second highest acute
malnutrition among children under the age of 5 in South Asia. We hope this initiative will provide
our future generation with the nutrition they need,” HNB DGM CHRO/CTO L. Chiranthi Cooray
The bank worked with MOH offices, Divisional Secretariats and midwives to choose 1,000 expectant
mothers who will be beneficiaries of the nutrition pack for three consecutive months from
September. The officials were also consulted to put-together the nutrition packages distributed
among the chosen beneficiaries.
Moreover, organized seminars with health professionals for the participants on pregnancy as well as
the needs and wants of a new born. The Bank also encouraged expectant mothers to open an HNB
Singithi Kirikatiyo Savings Account with a deposit of Rs. 1,000, provided by the bank, for their child.
Most recently, HNB supported the Lady Ridgeway and Colombo South Teaching Hospitals with
medication necessary for new born babies and pregnant mothers through the ‘HNB Oba Venuwen
Api’ initiative.
Driven by HNB’s Sustainability Foundation, the ‘Oba Venuwen Api’ initiative is funded by HNB
employees contributing a day’s pay at the onset of the pandemic last year. The Bank matched the
staff donation to establish the fund, which has since been allocated for various projects to uplift
people during these challenging times.
With 256 customer centres, HNB is one of Sri Lanka’s largest, most technologically innovative
banks. It has won local and global recognition for its efforts to drive forward a new paradigm in
digital banking. HNB has a national rating of AA- (lka) by Fitch Ratings (Lanka) Ltd. The Bank was
also ranked among the World Top 1,000 Banks list compiled by the prestigious UK-based Banker
Magazine for five consecutive years. HNB was also declared Best Sub-Custodian Bank in Sri Lanka at
the Global Finance Awards 2020.

Image 01: HNB DGM CHRO/CTO L. Chiranthi Cooray handing over a nutrition pack to a
pregnant mother in Nittambuwa
Image 02: HNB Head of Personal Financial Services Kanchana Karunagam handing over a nutrition
pack to a pregnant mother in Bandaragama
Image 03: Nutrition packs distributed to pregnant mothers in Monaragala
Image 04: Nutrition packs distributed to pregnant mothers in Nuwera Eliya