හෙට (26) පෑලියගොඩ මැනිං වෙළඳපොලේ උද්ඝෝෂණයට එරෙහිව අධිකරණයෙන් වාරණ නියෝගයක්…

පෑලියගොඩ මැනිං වෙළඳපොලේ සියලුම වෙළඳ කටයුතු හෙට (26)දිනයේ බාධාවකින් තොරව පවත්වාගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍ය සියලුපියවර ගෙන ඇතැයි…

Uniting for Sustainable Growth: Hayleys Plantations concludes first carbon-neutral International Sustainable Summit

 Brings together top-class institutes and world-renowned experts from 8 countries Over 700 participants locally and…

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[Infographic] From Las Vegas to Seoul: Previous Galaxy Unpacked Sites at a Glance

Samsung Electronics’ Unpacked event unveils new Galaxy devices, signifying the launch of anew era of mobile…

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Samsung launches “Rediscover Sri Lanka” Photography Competition for Galaxy Users

Samsung, Sri Lanka’s leading smartphone brand, has captured the nation’s attention with thelaunch of its groundbreaking…

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JAAF stresses need to move beyond current export quota in Indo-Sri Lanka FTA

Under the current FTA, Sri Lanka is permitted to export 8 million pieces of ready-made apparelto…

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කලාකරුවන් ඇතුඵ සැමට සුබ උපන්දිනක්වේවා !!! 25.07.2023

අද දින උපන් දිනය සමරන  සරලා කාරියවසම්, ඉන්ද්‍රසිරි සුරවීර, ජනක චන්ද්‍රරත්න, රාධිනි සමරසිංහ, එරංගි පෙරේරා, නිමල්…

HNB’s pioneering Custody and Trustee Services bolstered by automation: Poised to attract further foreign investment to Sri Lanka

 New RPA system to significantly reduce processing time  Improves efficiency by approximately 90% First local…

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අපනයන වෙළෙඳපොළ සේවා පුළුල් කිරීම සඳහා DPL විසින් නව ස්වයංක‍්‍රීය මධ්‍යම ගබඩා පරිශ‍්‍රය විවෘත කරයි

හේලීස් සමූහයේ සාමාජික Dipped Products PLC (DPL) ආයතනය, ගෝලීය අපනයන ඉල්ලූමසපුරාලීමට සහ සිය සේවා බෙදාහැරීමේ විශිෂ්ටත්වය…

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Amrak Best School Gamer Revealed atGamer.LK’s School-level Esports Championship

Partnering with Gamer.LK, the Amrak Institute of Medical Sciences presented the Amrak BestSchool Gamer Award for…

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‘Most Wanted’ Country Roads concert for children returns

– The Concert returns, following the twin disasters of an ongoing economic crisis, as wellas COVID19,…

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